Parents: Open Up Your Eyes to the Problem of Pornography

I remember the details like it was yesterday.  They are ingrained in my memory, stamped and etched in a place of perpetual recall.  While I do not remember my exact age, I estimate I was either in fifth or sixth grade.  It was a weekend visit to my father’s house that first exposed me to the world of pornography.

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Surprised By So Much Sexual Sin?

Of late, the news has been dominated with story after story of accused sexual impropriety and misconduct.  It seems that with each passing day another politician, celebrity, or public figure falls from grace.  While the depravity of man in general does not take me by surprise, a naive populace does.  I find myself a bit dumbfounded as I hear of the outrage and shock that people have expressed at some of the recent revelations.  Please understand clearly:  I do not condone such behavior.  It is wrong and reprehensible.  But, my question is this: should this trend be surprising?

It shouldn’t.

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